Where do I set language to use (localization)?


I have gnome compiled myself on a SuSE 6.0. Today Iīve updated the
dist,  (6.0 to 6.1) and as usual it has done a lot of stuff to my system
(didnīt always do everything like SuSE would have wanted me to).
Strangely, suddenly my gnome is in German, although it has always been
in English. SuSE didnīt do anything to my gnome installation, as rpm
doesnīt even know about it.

Now I canīt find an option to change back to English (should be in
control panel, really ). The gnome-faq does talk about localization, but
doesnīt mention where to change it. Please help, I donīt want my PC talk
German to me.

Thanks a lot




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