Re: where is corba?

On 13 Aug 1999 14:46:02 -0400, Victor Bogado da Silva Lins
<> wrote:

>	I was using gnorpm and gftp, and I figured why was gnorpm trying to
>download the files for itself? Why he would not ask for gftp or better
>yet gnome transfer manager, that uses wget) for a download using a corba
>interface? I thing that should be a corba service for asking for
>downloads and every app that needs a download could use it.

Why use CORBA for this? There is no data that needs to be shared between
different applications - a shared library would do a much better job, and in
this case, libghttp & libwww both exist and do the job (libwww being the
"recommended" one for future apps).

>Why don't we start a trhead of sujestions for new corba interfaces and
>ways of integrating diferent gnome apps to work together. :-)

Yes, there's nothing wrong with that - you just have to learn what situations
it makes sense to use it in. The example you gave is not one of those

-- Elliot
Who me? I just wander from room to room.

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