Re: Heh! Maybe I can help! (was: Icons)

+++ Sat, Aug 07, 1999 at 08:49:49PM -0400 +++
Gregory McLean e-mails me. Film at 11. Reply right now, after the break.
> Lemme say this.. This is the sizes that are currently in use.
> Desktop icons: 48x48
> Menu Icons:    24x24
> So that would be my guess for sizes needed right off. I think they are 
> scaled
> to other sizes..

Icons are generally scaled down to 24x24 for the menus, too. Actually,
I think all of Gnome's external icons (as opposed to stock pixmaps)
are 48x48.

The few folks actually working toward a goal of gender _equality_
rather than an _inversion_ of the gender power structure have mostly
abandoned the term `feminism' to the uncurably strident.
                                          -- xanthian@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG

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