Re: Where's all the movement?

On Fri, Aug 06, 1999 at 05:20:22PM +0200, Matthias Warkus wrote:

> The problem is information, perhaps. There are so many developers
> busy all day. But it simply doesn't get through to me what they are
> doing.

I like to keep tabs on the state of affairs myself, but I'd rather
have the developers developing code than talking about developing
code, so I browse the CVS updates, read the Gnome Summaries, and make due.

> The GNOME Summary is a great institution and has bettered this.

Yup.  One thing that might help would be if the Gnome coding standards
were amended to recommend that a SYNOPSIS file be included with each
Gnome program or package.  This would provide a one-line description
of the program, and would simplify cataloging new development so that
folks could quickly find things that interest them.

Havoc could include these synopses files in the Gnome Summary, so that
instead of:

    7) New and Updated Software


we could instead read something like:

    7) New and Updated Software

        mosquito: uses sound card to generate insect-killing ultrasonics
        Pharmacy: dispenses penguin peppermints, for late-night hacking

(No disrespect intended toward these fine packages if I've
misrepresented what the packages actually do, which seems likely.)

-- John Kodis.

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