Re: UI suggestion: gnome-dock

+++ Thu, Aug 05, 1999 at 08:33:56PM -0500 +++ e-mails me. Film at 11. Reply right now, after the break. 
> I know that gnome can scale images, why not have the ability to have small
> toolbar icons? mebbe a global conf in gnomecc that sets the default toolbar
> behavior to "big" (normal sized) or "small" (scaled to menubar height, keeping
> the ratio of width to height tho), and if a "big" toolbar is pulled onto a
> menubar, then it's set as "small" (but just in that single contect, not a global
> change). Some people like big toolbars, some people like small ones, and some
> people probably want the ability to pull the toolbar onto the menu. 
> communicator style toolbar 'folding' would be cool to include generically, too,
> for both toolbars and menus. 

Sounds exactly like the right kind of suggestion for Jim Cape's new
Gnome UI Improvement project.
> >       That's true about mixing menubars with toolbars, but what about 2
> toolbars?
> > And what about changing their order?
> > 
> if 2 toolbars can change places (which I think they should be able to), then I
> think we should be able to do it wiht a single grab/slide, much like moving
> applets and launchers on the panel (if switched movement is chosen). Yeah, I
> know this is how IE does it, but I think it's a fairly easy handy way, sorry

Just that MS does it doesn't mean it's wrong.

Back in the dark ages BC (Before Computing), there existed a magical
device called a Teletype Model 33. This amazing machine contained a
shift register out of a motor and a rotor as well as a keyboard ROM
consisting solely of levers and springs.             -- Steve Oualline

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