Re: GNOME Usability Improvements - Fix the window manager!

here's a bit more fuel for the fire:

	the printer applet really doesn't do anything - couldn't this be
	reworked so that it would tell you what is spooled and give the
	user the ability to cancel print jobs?  i'm not saying use it for
	setting up printers but controlling them.

	the rpm package manager grpm is fairly nice but, and this is a system
	issue i know, but only root can run it.  what good does it do the
	new user to have to be su'ing to root all the time when they are
	running a desktop machine at home.  now i don't mind.  in fact i
	like the security of it.  but a new user, coming from windows
	where dinner is just a click away, won't want to have to deal with
	these issues.

now keep in mind folks that i'm not really speaking about myself or anyone
on this list.  these are issues that my readers have spoken out about and
i felt this would be a good arena to address them.  new users are a
completely different breed and i find most developers (no offense to
anyone here at all) are inable to bring themselves down to the level of
the new user and see what it is they want/need.  i like to think of myself
as a moderator between the lower and higher levels of ability in Linux -
at least that's how i approach my column. ;-)

thanks for listening.  again, i think you are doing a supurb job with
Gnome - it's all i use!  so i hope all of this is taken in the vein in
which i intend.

good day all.

J   A   C   K      W   A   L   L   E   N,   J   R.       
get jack'd @  get  L   I   N   U   X  or get lost 
Lurleen, I can't get your song outta my mind.  I haven't felt this way 
since `Funky Town.'

		-- Homer Simpson
		   Colonel Homer

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