Re: Some constructive criticism for you

* Ali Abdin ( [990802 00:32]:
> Anyway, I just thought I'd provide my constructive criticism for you :)
> Anyway, I have all the /LATEST/ RPMS from the site.
> I have an applet problem. The basic/default apps work perfectly, but any
> new apps I install (i.e. gnomeicu or anything from the gnome-applets CVS
> package) don't work. They just do not add themselves if I right-click and
> select them. if I run them from gnome-terminal they work perfectly though
> and register with the panel. But right-clicking and selecting them just
> doesn't wokr. Any suggestions? it is very annoying

This *must* be a FAQ by now. When you install an rpm, stuff goes under
the /usr/ tree. When you compile an app yourself, .configure and default to /usr/local. This is what stops your applets from
working from the right-click menu. The .desktop and .gnorba files are
in the wrong place.

When you have an rpm-based system, and compile apps yourself, you must
run ./configure --prefix=/usr (or ./ --prefix=/usr for CVS).

Try running ./configure --help next time you build an app yourself,
it'll usually tell you its default prefix, and how to change it.

    .^.     | Tom Gilbert, England | |
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