Re: Call for constructive user criticism.

> anyway...not cutting down anyone's ideas.   i just think that too often
> the *user's* voice is ignored.  many times on this list (gnome-list that
> is) i get ignored - be it question or suggestion or announcement of a
> topic i am writing about.  (if the gnome-list is strictly for devs let me
> know and i'll gladly jump ship ;-) ).

Various points:

	1. That is why we are trying to organize a formal way of
	   getting all this feedback and making sure we can do
	   something about them instead of discarding it.

	2. Sometimes developers have no time to implement things, or
           we lack the power and commitment we would like to have.

So, there is hope.  Help us make GNOME the best user interface for a
personal computer.


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