broken libaudiofile on big-endians still?

Hi again,

I've asked before with no luck, so I'll try again.

libaudiofile fails with 16-bit WAVs (i.e. what Gnome and Enlightenment use) on 
SPARC (and I assume other big-endians?) I believe because of -endian changes 
made some time ago in error =OZ

Has anyone done anything to figure this out and fix it?  I've looked at the 2 
versions of the code I have (0.1.5 and 0.1.6 CVS snaps) and can't see in either 
why they might break - indeed some care seems to have been taken to check for 
endian-ness and handle it =OZ.  What I have, using the 0.1.5 code, plays 8-bit 
WAVs fine. Using the 0.1.6 code breaks anything that calls it =O(

Am I missing something?  Can this be fixed, or can someone supply me with older 
version source to compare and maybe find the changes that caused this?  Do I 
just need a more recent CVS snap?


-------My opinion - Not sane, intelligent or necessarily useful-------
o o                             
/v\ark R. Bowyer.  mailto:Mark.Bowyer@UK.Sun.COM
`-'  "That weenie's avoiding me!" - Scott McNealy about

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