Re: Lots of new RPMS available

I was talked to once about doing this same thing, so i dont see why you
couldnt do it... (Some one give him access :)

On Sun, 18 Apr 1999, Erik Walthinsen wrote:

> On Sun, 18 Apr 1999 wrote:
> > Thank you much for the rpms. :)
> > Could you please put your updated specs into cvs? (if not already done)
> I don't have CVS write access.  I'd love to have it, because I'm spending
> a lot of time writing funky scripts to fix problems in the sources that I
> would much rather fix directly and check them in.
> Miguel: since I got no reply to my query about a buildmeister, I'm
> assuming no one 'officially' has such a task.  I'm 'officially'
> volunteering for the task of keeping builds as sane as I can without
> mucking with functionality (i.e. if the build's broken because of
> someone's code, I'd leave it be), building spec files (and maybe debian
> stuff, with help), and running my automated build environment that creates
> shiny new snapshot RPMs as long as my machine is running (it's being flaky
> right now).
>     Omega
>          Erik Walthinsen <> - Staff Programmer @ OGI
>         Quasar project -
>    Video4Linux Two drivers and stuff -
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