Re: Lots of new RPMS available

On Sun, 18 Apr 1999 wrote:

> Thank you much for the rpms. :)
> Could you please put your updated specs into cvs? (if not already done)

I don't have CVS write access.  I'd love to have it, because I'm spending
a lot of time writing funky scripts to fix problems in the sources that I
would much rather fix directly and check them in.

Miguel: since I got no reply to my query about a buildmeister, I'm
assuming no one 'officially' has such a task.  I'm 'officially'
volunteering for the task of keeping builds as sane as I can without
mucking with functionality (i.e. if the build's broken because of
someone's code, I'd leave it be), building spec files (and maybe debian
stuff, with help), and running my automated build environment that creates
shiny new snapshot RPMs as long as my machine is running (it's being flaky
right now).


         Erik Walthinsen <> - Staff Programmer @ OGI
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