wm2 and GNOME (was Re: Problem starting GNOME)

Gleef wrote:

>It should work on GNOME compliant window managers.  Enlightenment 
>and new versions of WindowMaker bill themselves as such, but wm2 
>does not.

I'm interested in modifying wm2 to make it GNOME compliant. Would 
anyone else be interested in a minimalist alternative to E? 
For those who didn't pick up the broad hint, would anyone else be 
interested in _helping me write_ a mininalist alternative to E?

>WM2 makes no claim to support ICCCM Session Management.  Given its
>deliberately feature-spartan design, this makes a certain amount of

I've downloaded the ICE and xsmp docs from ftp.x.org to have a look 
at whether session management could be incorporated into wm2 without 
a complete rewrite. The wm2 source is so tiny it seems like a good 
place to start to make a minimalist GNOME wm. The other feature I'm 
curious about is MWM hints. I've been unable to locate any 
documentation on these other than the E code snippet on the GNOME 
website. Can anyone point me towards a simple explanation?

 - Michael Rogers

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