Re: Another GMC suggestion/request

Hall Stevenson wrote:

> Here's one I thought of recently that's available in Windows Explorer...
> Typing the first letter of a filename causes the selected item in the
> right-hand pane to jump to the first file beginning with that letter.
> Continuing to hit that letter takes you through each successive file
> with the same letter.

That is a nice feature when you have to try to find a file in a list which
you know what the name is.  I do, however, prefer the method were as you
continue to type the word the search narrows in further (instead of just the
first letter).  So as you progressively type the word it trys to match all
the letters instead of just the first.  That way if you have things named
similarly (ie starting with the first letter) you can use that mechanism on
them as well.


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