Re: gnome db vs. mozilla db

Hi, Miguel

> > So now my proposal:
> > Why not switching to db 2.0 for gnome as well?
> Because we do not have to force people to upgrade to 2.0 and 2.0 is
> compatible with 1.85

Ah, that sounds reasonable, but on the other hand, the 1.85 version has
some bugs in it (thats at least, what the people at mozilla say: "1.85
isn't just dead, it's beginning to smell bad"). And 2.0 is much easier to
install (its autoconf'ed). It's been a bit of pain for me to install 1.85.
So it should at least be the suggestion to install db 2.0 and not 1.85. (I
do at the moment not know, whether it already is or not, at the point my
gnome-libs-configure bailed out, it wasn't though)

| Sebastian Wilhelmi, Institute for Computer Design and Fault Tolerance, |
| University of Karlsruhe;  Building 20.20, Room 263,  D-76128 Karlsruhe |
| mail:;  fax: +49 721 370455;  fon: +49 721 6084353 |
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