Re: Panel Funkiness in new release

I've had the same thing - change the icon of a launcher, try to launch,
then X dies. Also I've found that if I put system menu (as an icon) on the
panel and then try and get rid of it the same thing happens. 

I've also found that gnome-linuxconf has died. I get this message

gnome-linuxconf: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: GTK_TYPE_GDK_COLOR

also gmc doesn't work anymore but I think a new 0.30 version is on the


On Thu, 24 Sep 1998, Adam Jacob wrote:

> I've encountered some panel funkiness in the latest release of Gnome..
> basically, if you alter the preferences of a launcher (say, gnome-terminal),
> apply the changes, and push the launcher, panel dies.
> Can anybody else re-produce this?  Or is this mainly my own stupidity?
> 		Adam
> -- 

 Paul Cooper           |  
 Phd Research Student  | 01203 523523 ext. 26320  
 Room 60               |                          
 Mathematics Institute |                          
 University of Warwick |                          
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