Announce: Fulcrum 25/9 snapshot

           Fulcrum Scientific Analysis/Plotting Tool for Unix/GTK

25 September 1998

I've made a new snapshot of the work-in-progress fulcrum plotting program
availible at a new location:

On this page are also two screenshots to show how things are progressing.

New in this release are tick labels and an optimized drawing and
interpreter loop that uses dramatically less CPU cycles.

Apart from what you see in these screenshots, fulcrum does nothing useful
yet. This will hopefully change in the next week or so. If you are a
developer and is looking for a nice project, please contact me at the
address below.



The following is from the README:

1. Installation
Unpack the tarball fulcrum.tar.gz

Type in './configure', the make. If all goes well a binary named 'fulcrum'
will be built in the Yorick subdirectory.

Run the binary Yorick/fulcrum and enjoy... or whatever you do when you see
unfinished programs.

2. Usage 
The main window in divided into three parts, from left to right, the object
tree display, which should show a document containing one page. The
graph/spreadheet display, with a fractal C-curve in blue displayed. There is
also a tab for the spreadsheet window. On the right hand side an interperter
window should display the yorick copuright message and prompt.

You can execute commands in the interpreter window.

Try typing in the following commands:


The values of the array 'y' will now be displayed. For help on yorick, type
in 'help'. There is a command history, accessed using the cursor up and down

3. Copyright
This code is released under the GNU General Public Licence version 2. The
Yorick interperter falls under a more liberal BSD-style copyright, see the
file COPYING.yorick for details.

| Conrad Steenberg                        |                                  
| Caltech, Mail Code 220-47               |                                  
| Pasadena, CA, 91125                     |                                  
| e-mail:          |                                  
| Tel: (626) 395-2965 Fax: (626) 449-8676 |                                  

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