spinning GNOME programs (was: Re: Better MDI idea...(Was: Re: gnome-terminal idea))

On 23 Sep, Tim Moore scribbled:
> My comment is that I don't think that solution handles the stability
> problem. If one process crashes, notably the one that owns the window, but
> possibly one of the other ones too, the window goes away. Yes, the other
> processes would still be running, but they would lose their visible
> component so the effect would be the same as if they had all crashed
> (except now you have several disconnected CORBA processes sucking up your
> CPU!) 

  Gnome already has this problem.  If my X-server dies or is forcibly
terminated, the panel and applets seem to continue executing--except
that instead of just taking up a little CPU time, they eat something
like 90%.  I don't know if this is a problem unique to Gnome,
though--other GTK programs seem to do this, as does the fvwm95 taskbar
(occasionally).  TIA to anyone who can clear this up...


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