Re: Respitory?

In a previous letter M. TELGARSKY [matelgar@NMSU.Edu] wrote:

> you're a big fukcing idiot and you wasted my time posting this.
> research before sucking up 3 pages of bandwidth with this shit.
> -m-

I'm not sure whether or not your message applies to:
 a) the fact that I had misstaken the Respirory for an Gnome equivalent of 
the NT Registry
 b) the fact that I doesn't like the NT Registry.

About a)

About b)
 <Assuming that you allready nows what the NT Registry is, and what it 
 The Resistry in NT has increased the overall complexitivity of the Windows 
system, just like using too much unprotected global variables will increase 
the compexitivity of your (or somebody elses) code. Thus, I think that it 
would be a bad thing if Gnome would adopt this 'NT config' way.
(Read the article 'Crash-Proof computing; Why PC's crash... and mainframes 
don't' in BYTE, April 1998. It's a good article.)

// Liss

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