Betreff: SV: Screenshots ...

Hi out there,

>>> Daniel Persson <> 09/21 12:19  >>>
> You could use The Gimp ( )

there is a little problem with gimp / Gnome ?!?? Gimp only runs with GTK 1.0.x an Gnome uses currently GTK 1.1.x. What can I do to use Gimp and Gnome ? Where can I find a binary version of Gimp. which runs under GTK 1.1.x ? Is there another program, which can I use to take screenshots ?

> By the way, isn't it about time for a new binary release of GNOME ?

I think also that it would be nice to get a new binary release of gnome because I can't access CVS due to our company firewall setting ...

> CVS-sources or Jimpicks daily snaps are good, but sometimes (read often
> ;) a pain to compile.
> Myrridin



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