Re: FAQ offering

On Mon, 21 Sep 1998, Robert S. Mela wrote:
Ya know I have my web site hosted by my school. I don't think there's a
bandwidth limit. I'll ask my Prof. tommorrow to see if he's cool with the idea.
Oh, about how many hits per day do you expect?

 >OK, I'm just getting started with GNOME, and wasted most of Friday
>evening trying to compile.  I won't have another shot for another
>So I'm willing to take some responsibility for the FAQ until I'm 
>For the short term:
>If the traffic costs aren't excessive (>$100) I could just mirror the
>thing on my ISP account.
>For the longer term:
>I'd be willing to set up and maintain a domain for this purpose 
>All hits to the FAQ would to enter through a TOC at
>Initially, if traffic is not excessive, all links on the FAQ can point to
>Otherwise, content off the TOC would be distributed across various
>locations (to distribute bandwidth costs).  HREFs in the TOC would be
>dynamically generated from a list of hosts.
>The list would be maintained according the the following criteria:
>	1 Number of requests sent to site <= number of requests
>	  the site owner agreed to support
>	2 Site is "live"
>		-- site responds with HTTP 200 within reasonable time
>	3 Site is "correct" 
>		-- doc served is valid GNOME FAQ doc and current FAQ version.
>1) Server-side:
>hrefs in the TOC would be generated dynamically by rotating selection
>from list of known repositories.  A heartbeat process would be responsible
>for maintaining this list on the basis of site liveness and correctness.
>Site owners cld be given a mirror script to keep their sites up-to-date.
>2) Client-side
>A Java applet on the client would responsible for choosing a repository for
>each link.  If any repository failed to respond correctly or within a
>timeout, the applet would choose another repository from its list.
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