FAQ offering

OK, I'm just getting started with GNOME, and wasted most of Friday
evening trying to compile.  I won't have another shot for another

So I'm willing to take some responsibility for the FAQ until I'm 

For the short term:

If the traffic costs aren't excessive (>$100) I could just mirror the
thing on my ISP account.

For the longer term:

I'd be willing to set up and maintain a domain for this purpose 
(e.g., gnome-docs.org).

All hits to the FAQ would to enter through a TOC at gnome-docs.org.

Initially, if traffic is not excessive, all links on the FAQ can point to

Otherwise, content off the TOC would be distributed across various
locations (to distribute bandwidth costs).  HREFs in the TOC would be
dynamically generated from a list of hosts.

The list would be maintained according the the following criteria:

	1 Number of requests sent to site <= number of requests
	  the site owner agreed to support

	2 Site is "live"
		-- site responds with HTTP 200 within reasonable time

	3 Site is "correct" 
		-- doc served is valid GNOME FAQ doc and current FAQ version.

1) Server-side:

hrefs in the TOC would be generated dynamically by rotating selection
from list of known repositories.  A heartbeat process would be responsible
for maintaining this list on the basis of site liveness and correctness.

Site owners cld be given a mirror script to keep their sites up-to-date.

2) Client-side

A Java applet on the client would responsible for choosing a repository for
each link.  If any repository failed to respond correctly or within a
timeout, the applet would choose another repository from its list.

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