Re: Adding panel applet ability to gmix

On Sun, Sep 20, 1998 at 10:36:57AM -0400, John Ellis wrote:
> There are, however some problems. The panel does not remember the command
> that was used to start the applet, so on restart the basic gmix window
> is started instead (--applet flag is forgotten). And there is a problem
> starting gmix as an applet from the panel's 'add applet' menu, it is not
> added until a pre-determined applet slot times out.

hmm the --applet flag should be sent as a "param" just like for
multiapplets ... feel free to modify that part in the panel ... it's
kind of iffy the way it is now


George Lebl <>
  The following implements RSA in perl and is illegal to export from the US:

          #!/bin/perl -sp0777i<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<j]dsj
          $/=unpack('H*',$_);$_=`echo 16dio\U$k"SK$/SM$n\EsN0p[lN*1

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