Re: Raster's typing - was Re: gtkstep info


"Autocorrect" spelling is one of the WORST things even invented for word
processors.  It's far less annoying to put a noticable but unobtrusive
marking near the word (like MS's little red underline) and let you fix it
manually than to try to fix it automatically.  There are too many words in
and language that are just so close that they can't be differentiated
accurately.  If we had autocorrect everywhere, I'd have to teach ever
single word processor I use that "Soren" should not be replaced by
"Sarin."  I don't like being a toxic nerve gas associated with terrorists.

 Soren Harward <> | Windows DOES come with a tool    | to restore a corrupt Registry.
 Internet Information Systems Admin  |
 Cinternet, Inc.  (513) 891-1228     | It's called FDISK.

On Sat, 19 Sep 1998, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

>No need to fear anymore guys.  
>Nat Friedman at MIT is about to put in CVS his research engine for
>typo correcting into Gnome.  It will be a GNOME CORBA module for doing
>on the fly corrections for any GNOME app that wants it.  We just need
>to stick this on raster's email and irc programs now.

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