Re: GNOME FAQ: call for mirrors

On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Todd Graham Lewis wrote:

> I would like to revamp the FAQ web page to be more internationalized.  I
> am very interested in getting translations of the FAQ going and to work
> to keep those translations up to date, and I want for users around the globe
> to be able to access the FAQ in their native tongues wherever possible.
> I have to read up on Apache's internationalization support; I know that
> HTML supports i18n, but I don't know if most web servers support it or
> if it has to be done with CGI.  I suspect the later, so please include
> whether or not you have cgi access.

Ok, there are some known problems, but the Apache Web Server really
has internationalization support, we're using this at our Department's
Web Server at the University.

Basically, you call your documents


and so on, you add this to your srm.conf:

	AddLanguage en .en
	AddLanguage fr .fr
	AddLanguage de .de

	LanguagePriority de en fr

and give an

	Option MultiViews

for the directory your documents are in.

Then, people can use


and they'll get the document in their preferred language.

In the index page you can then use links (faqxxx.en.html in index.en.html)
and so on to point to the individual chapters of your faq.

If you have more questions about this, feel free to ask them.

Best wishes,


   Martin Baulig - Angewandte Mathematik - Universitaet Trier,
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