Re: Question on MC

Ok.. Wait. I think I have lost focus here.

I placed back the file mc.ext to its default location (in my case
/usr/local/gnome/lib/mc) and it still does not respond to any changes I
make in there. Even if I remove it completly it seems gmc uses some file
to get the icons and what to do, cause it aint mc.ext...

Secondly, you mentioned a dir called ~/mc/ext that does not exsit. And if
it did what would go in it ??

Sorry to bother you, I just want to be able to show icons for all the
different types I have as well as specify what to do with the file.

So please as best as you can please try to explain to my dumb ass exactly
where things look for waht and what files should be where.


Alex Paoli

On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> > Um. No. ~/.mc/ext does not exsist and /usr/local/gnome/lib/mc/mc.ext is
> > not there (I removed it).. Arggg.. Where is this file...Should I create
> > ~/mc something ??
> Well, put it back :-)
> Which information exactly are you looking for?
> Miguel.

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