Re: Announcement: starting to write a RTF viewer

On Mon, 07 Sep 1998, Tom Tromey wrote:
>>>>>> "Rebecca" == Rebecca Ore <> writes:
>[ Maxwell ]
>Rebecca> It has a clean way of working with basic Unix functions that
>Rebecca> seem unique (as far as I've been able to tell)
>Can you expand on this a bit?  That is, explain this clean method?

	I'm sending  most of this again under the address I use for the mailing
list so that this version of the answer gets to the gnome list and the rest of

 In /usr/local/bin/maxwell (the recommended installation of the Linux binary),  file, 
ispell, lpr are symbolic links to  standard Unix commands.  I'm
not an expert on this, but one of the articles I read when I began using the
Linux binary of Maxwell implied this was unique design among Linux word
processors.   The binary itself is 4135956 bytes (according to tkdesk).

So it doesn't bring in a separate printing program, just provides a front end
to the one that's going to be on all Unix systems.

Supposedly  it can draw on any installed Type1 fonts  (doesn't in my
installation, but I haven't spent a lot of time configuring it as I am overdue
on what I'm writing with it).

If I understand correctly, the other wp programs available in Unix are
either not open source or, like lyx, don't read rtf.  Lyx also requires a
whole LaTex installation.  I don't believe Maxwell does (could be wrong as I
do have the installation necessary to get lyx to work).

Tom Newton is fairly approachable.  I don't know what further development was
done after the group released the source code this summer.

I don't know if the change from motif to gtk would be so difficult
that redoing a wp from scratch would be desirable, but Maxwell even sounds
like a Gnome name.

DnD in any form does seem to be missing.  

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