gtk+ problems

Ok, I know there was just an email on themes and gtk.. all i saw was the
end of it, I have no idea what the initial problem was, but hopefully I
can get a refresher.

I am trying to use gtk+themes, and compile the latest gimp-1.1 snap.
My problem is, gdk.  Gimp-1.1 needs gdk_draw_rgb_image_dithalign in
app/gximage.c .  gtk+themes/gdk doesnt contain that reference in gdkrgb.h,
but a snap of gtk+ without themes from does.  What is the
difference between gtk+themes and regular gtk+ ? or is there?  How can I
use themes and the newest gtk+? When I try to compile themes, it wont, it
has problems with gtk+, and they seem to change each day.  I tried making
gtk+, installing, then doing the same with gtk+themes, and remarking out
the 2 lines suggested in the last email, but gdk install replaced
gdkrgb.h, and gimp still has undefined references to that.  
Like I said before, how can I get this to coincide, and if there are 2
different gtk+'s, why?  shouldnt the themes be updated as gtk+ is
developed so it will work properly? Instead of eventually ending up in 2
different types of gtk+?


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