gnome-libs ./ problem

Philip Trickett writes:
 > I have just got over the problem of glib and gtk+ (thanks), and I have
 > (surprise) run into another one.  When I run ./ to start the
 > process of compiling gnome-libs, I get the output below.  Could this be
 > due to the fact that I have2 aclocal dirs, at /usr/share/aclocal, and
 > /usr/local/share/aclocal?

Yes. aclocal expects to find all its library m4 files in one place 
(probably /usr/share/aclocal on your machine) but gnome installs its
m4 files for glib, gtk, imlib (...?) under where ever you have put 
gnome (probably /usr/local/).

The solution is easy providing you have root access. Move any files 
that gnome has put in /usr/local/share/aclocal into /usr/share/aclocal
and then replace /usr/local/share/aclocal with a symlink to
/usr/share/aclocal so that any files that gnome tries putting there in
the future end up in the right place. Without root access you need to
tell aclocal to look in both places using an environment variable

BTW, these messages about missing aclocal macros crop up a lot as
packages add or change their m4 files. When you see them you usually
need to update your copy of that package before building the one you 
are having problems with (: .


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