Re: building from CVS... some thoughts

Well, for once I agree that CVS doc is quite good and understandable : I could use cvs 
in no time.

Now, maybe you just could use a couple commands like this (just close your eyes and pray :-)):

Before anything else, you have to tell cvs where is the modules you want to get :

> setenv CVSROOT

This basically says that you are login in as anonymous on the machine which holds the root
of everything in /cvs/gnome.

Then you have to actually loggin :

>  cvs login

just enter on passwd since there is none.

-the first time you want to bring a module from cvs :

> cvs -z3 checkout <module_name> 

where module_name could be "gtk+" "glib" "ORBit" "gnome-libs" ...The z3 is not mandatory but fasten things up by 
compressing/uncompressing on both side.

This will build up a subdirectory from you local point named "module_name". Everything you need (humm almost ..) for 
this module is there.

>From now on, each time you would like to bring the module in sync with the developpment tree, just do 

> setenv CVSROOT

>  cvs login

> cd "module_name"

> cvs -z3 update

This will download only things which have changed since the last update. (well for me it doesn't always work right though, so I often decide to destroy the whole directory and rebuild it from scratch).

That is it : as a user of gnome you do not really need anything more.



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