Re: building from CVS... some thoughts

"Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.-" <> writes:

> I can see I'm not going to be able to understand your motivation on this
> issue.

It's really quite simple. On this particular issue, I'm not asking for
help. I don't ask general CVS questions on this list. In fact, I'm not
asking for your help. I'm responding to the attitude, expressed to
*another* person who had a simple question he needed answered, that says
"We shouldn't have to be bothered with newbie questions because we're
too important."

> In other areas of life when you want help I don't think you berate
> the people who's help you're requesting, why are you doing so in
> this arena?

In "other areas of life" I am a helper by profession. That's why I
find the attitude of those who should be helping, but would rather
sneer, so unacceptable. Even on my worst days I don't relate to those
who need my help -- even the most ignorant -- in such a manner. So I
have no patience with that behavior from others.

> The message that is communicated when someone puts in the "three
> hours" themselves is, "I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm willing
> to do what it takes to raise myself to the level of competence of
> the developer."

Ah, yes. I have an uncle who holds this attitude: "I had to eat s*&#
for years to get where I am, and now you're going to do the same
thing." I believe it's related to the military practice of having
someone dig a hole and then fill it up again, just because it's good
for them and teaches them obedience. Sorry, I don't see the value, the
compassion, or the worth in such an attitude.

Michael D. Harnois, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Washburn, IA             
 Hell is full of good meanings and wishings. 
     -- George Herbert

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