Re: /usr/local/bin/glib-config ...

>>>>> "M" == Michael Meeks <> writes:

M> Which is strange, as I had only just installed glib in
M> /opt/gnome seemingly flawlessly as a normal user. Strange indeed,
M> upon editing /usr/local/bin/glib-config to point to /opt/gnome ( as
M> root ) it now works. Whats up with this, I don't understand ?

configure searches your path for glib-config.  You probably had
/usr/local/in before /opt/gnome/bin/ in your path (if /opt... was in
yur path at all).  So, all you should have to do is put /opt/gnu/bin
in the front of your path and make sure that any libraries from that
heirarchy are also used first (say, by setting your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to
put /opt/gnome/lib first).

M> I am extremely happy to uninstall Gnome first, but eg. I have never
M> had to uninstall my kernel / C compiler in order to re-compile them
M> although I admit that may be an unfair comparison.

Yes, it is unfair, since the kernel and C compiler are self
contained.  Also, if you were to compile gnome and put it in the same
place as your old (RPMed) versions, you could happily compile the rest
of gnome, except that would break the RPM management of those files.

Alan Shutko <> - By consent of the corrupted
Sitting on a hard drive will break your partitions.

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