Re: Installing gnome the easy way.

> about and had no idea how to fix. Well I decided to completely
> re-install linux. After re-installing Red Hat 5.1(with no gnome stuff) I
> got all the sources from the CVS server. After about 4 hours of
> compiling(cause my computer is a little slow) All of the gnome sources

I hate to say it, but that really is a Windows mentality.  "If something's
broken, reinstalling the OS is your magical solution."  At least Linux gives us
the ability to figure out the problem and solve it, whereas with Windows maybe
2 or 3 people in the world actually know what's going on.

The moral of your story: not only must you have the latest libraries, but you
must have the latest versions of the developers' tools, especially automake,
autoconf, and libtool.  That's really all reinstalling the OS did for you was
update these things.

Jason Tackaberry,

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