Purpose of RPMS wrt Gnome / install problems.

	After several hours wasted struggle attempting to get a Gnome
development system up and running from RPMS which presumably make things
simpler I finaly deleted /usr/local/bin/gtk-config which appears to have
solved the problem ( now presumably falling back on the correct
/usr/bin/gtk-config ).

	IIRC there is something extremely 'interesting' about these

		/usr/local vs. /usr

	conflicts that is perculiar to Redhat ?

	I was wondering where I could find out more about the thought
process behind this. In my somewhat short experience of Gnome, it seems I
have spent more time fixing braindead problems with where and which exact
libraries or includes are being used/put by what than I have spent hacking
which is not optimal. I am quite willing to conceede that I am the
braindead one ( indeed this seems likely :-), or that perhaps this is a
cunning trick to create a competance entry barrier to Gnome software
development ? Anyhow, can someone point me to a page explaining the where
and why for: 

	a) CVS source's default install paths for source and librarys
	b) RPMS "        "         "      "...
	c) SRPMS         "         "...

	Many thanks,

		Michael Meeks.		

 michael@imaginator.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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