GNOME Documentation Framework


I wrote the following text about how the GNOME documentation framework
should be set up.  Please roam through it and feel free to ask any
questions that you may have.  We will be doing a lot of work regarding
documentation in the following months :-)

This is available from cvs as gnome-libs/devel-docs/gnome-doc-framework.txt.



		    GNOME Documentation Framework

			     October 1998

	       Federico Mena <>

* Abstract

This document presents a framework for organizing and writing
documentation for the GNOME project.  GNOME needs a good documentation
system that makes it easy for people to integrate their own
documentation into the global framework.

* Documentation back-end

DocBook ( is the documentation back-end
we have chosen for GNOME.  It is an industry standard, it provides
markup defined by logical content, and it allows for hyperlinks and
convenient navigation.

* Organization

This section explains the organization of the documentation files in
the file system.

Each package that provides development libraries needs to have a
directory with documentation for users and developers.  For the sake
of this discussion, we will use the gnome-libs package as an example,
and only consider development documentation for it.

The source code to Gnome-libs is organized as follows:


Hopefully, developers have chosen a good organization of the code
inside those directories.  If we take this assumption to be true, then
it makes sense to organize documentation in the same way:


Inside each of those directories there would be one sgml file for each
module in the libraries:


Modules are usually (hopefully!) small enough that they can be
conveniently described in a single sgml file.  Each of these would be
a separate chapter.

Some chapters may want to include images or pictures, or other bizarre
entities.  I am not sure where to put them -- the easiest way is to
just put them at the same level as the sgml files themselves, but it
could potentially get messy if there are a lot of images.  Another
option is to have a "pictures" subdirectory.  I imagine this is
specific to each book or part, and can be resolved on the fly.

Going upwards one level, the libgnome/libgnomeui/libgnorba/etc. groups
would form a part in a book for gnome-libs.  As other GNOME modules
with libraries are added, they would become separate books.
Eventually they would all be tied together by a very big toplevel
book-set.  This maps well to DocBook:

	GNOME Book Set:
		gnome-libs book
			libgnome part
				gnome-config chapter
				gnome-dentry chapter
			libgnomeui part
				gnome-app-helper chapter
				gnome-canvas chapter

		gnome-core book
			user-docs part
				panel chapter
				help-browser chapter
				control-center chapter
			devel-docs part
				libapplet chapter
				libcapplet chapter
		gnome-print book
			font management chapter
			graphics primitives chapter

		ORBit book

You get the idea.  I need a DocBook wizard to see if this makes the
most sense in the DocBook philosophy of life.

* Meta-documentation

DocBook is a complex beast, and the online documentation for it is not
very clear.  We need to provide template files that documentation
writers can simply cut&paste and modify for their specific docs.  We
also need a short document that explains how to write documentation
for GNOME.  I propose something similar to the following:



The "writing GNOME documentation" document would explain the GNOME
documentation framework, and how people can integrate their own docs
into it.  The other files are little templates of DocBook markup that
users can cut&paste, so that they do not have to go and consult a
DocBook manual every time they want to describe something.

* Web availability

Ideally, all the documentation tree should be available for browsing
in HTML on the GNOME web page.  This makes it easy for people to
quickly look up something while they are writing programs.  Java has
this (and it is awesome), KDE has this, and it works very well.

Since all the sgml files live on cvs, we could set up a cron job that
every day at midnight converts the whole documentation tree into HTML
and assembles it nicely for the GNOME web page.

When users install a GNOME component in their system, this could
happen as well (either by conversion at installation time, but this
means users would need to have the DocBook toolset installed; or by
shipping pre-HTMLized files).  Users could have /usr/doc/GNOME/... be
populated automatically when they install a GNOME component.

* Documentation browser

To be defined later.

* Nice hacks

An minor mode for Emacs that lets you press a hot key when the cursor
is over a GNOME function, it would launch the GNOME documentation
browser and take you to the description of that function.

A minor mode for Emacs, built on top of psgml-mode, that lets you
insert and fill the templates described above automatically.

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