Re: Gtop Question

On Tue, 13 Oct 1998, Alex G. Paoli wrote:

> What ya trying to say, Im low res boy :> .. im using 1024 x 768.. Is there
> going to be any .Xdefualts Session Management or will it always use the
> MDI file you mentioned. BTW: Thanks for the Info. One last thing, should I
> wait for the new release (cvs) or will the MDI work now ?? (cvs build
> 980812)

Ok, GTop is now accepting a --geometry argument like any "normal" X window
application - so you can for instance say

	$ gtop --geometry 800x600+0+0

At the moment there's no way to set the initial fonts, but that's
coming soon ...


Btw.: You can simply use the latest version from cvs (980813), it should
      be pretty stable now

   Martin Baulig - Angewandte Mathematik - Universitaet Trier,

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