Re: Slackware...

On  7 Oct, Dragan Stanojevic - Nevidljivi wrote:
> Alex G. Paoli wrote:
>> Yes I have, even with up to date cvs. What problems are you having. Being
>> a little more specific helps you not get asnwers like "I Have, and I have
>> and I have :> "
> Well I was just interested does anyone use GNOME on Slackware since I've
> seen that most of folks here use Red Hat or Debian :)

Well, long, long ago I think my initial install of Linux was Slackware
something. Then I started adding new software and most of the stuff on
my system is hand-compiled. I have never used any Debien or RPM stuff.
I've had some problems once in a while but most of the code I compile
works like a charm. I compiled gnome-0.20 and gnome-0.30 pretty
cleanly. My secret? LUDE ( I can
install a new version of software while still having the older version
on my system. If the newer version don't work, I can easily revert to
the older one. That helps when you have source code that changes on  a
daily basis...

This brings up a point: when I specify the --prefix option on the
command line for gnome apps, configure looks for libraries only in the
--prefix directory. I think it should also look in /usr/local if it
can't find it. Maybe someone wants to look into that?


P.S. No I don't have much time to code. I'm still trying to figure out
what WM to use with gnome. I don't think fvwm2 is the right one.

Laurent Duperval          | The opinions expressed herein are my own and
Systems Analyst           | do not represent those of this establishment
                          | That's because they don't have enough $$$       | to afford them.  Noone does.

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