Re: what are the advantages of DocBook ??

    Philippe> and more, how many different format are we going to use
    Philippe> ???  html, latex, sgml, docbook ... ???

Let's see if I can dispell a little confusion:

Eventually the document source (and hence archival) should all move to 
DocBook.  It is highly structured and provides fine-grained markup of
the *meaning* of your text.  This means that your archives of software 
docs have great potential for future more intelligent search engines
and other tools that make use of SGML.

DocBook is an SGML application, so when you say "sgml" I suspet you
mean "linuxdoc" (which is another SGML application).  linuxdoc is
deprecated, and people who used it are migrating to DocBook.

LaTeX is still very good for scientific work, but is not structured or
detailed enough for software documentation.

HTML is really only good as an output format and for glue pages, or
high-impact marketing pages.  People should resist the urge to
actually compose a manual in HTML.

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