Gnome on Cygwin32

Well, First, no flame guy. This situation is hard enough to me,
without getting flame and hat from the worldwide...
I'll be using NT in the very next days (at work, man, at work) and the
sysadmin is a bit hairy about me getting Linux in a dual boot way (he
told me about online update of NT software that i don't care about but 
seems sooo important to him, and won't let me install Linux unless my
hierarchy gives me a hand - and that won't happen, 'cuz noe one ever
tried Linux and, without installing it, i can't see the point on how i 
can do demonstration. Well this might happen later, but i'm in the
urge to improve this piece of crap).
So, here is my simple question : Does anyone ever compiled Gnome stuff
on Cygwin32 ?
I know the whole and complete stuff won't work (i already know some
piece of software that won't even run on standard Unix flavour -HPUX,
for instance, is not supported for almost every piece of software that 
is too close from the hardware : things like Esound, gmixer, gcd, or
stuff relying on threads (which is not yet supported on HPUX - will
be on the 11 release)), but if someone have any experience about this, 
i'll be glad to hear about.

Saint Tux, pray to save me !!


Seb C. ( | Working for Atos at Lille, France
Executive ability is deciding quickly and getting somebody else to do
the work.
		-- John G. Pollard

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