Re: A few things...

>>>>> "D" == Danne Lundqvist <> writes:

D> Sorry for being sarcastic, but why is it that people always
D> complain about how bad MS windows is and then they want everything
D> the windows way?  Off topic but I'm curious.

Because Linux is getting more people who don't want Linux, per se,
they want a Windows that works.  It's just we Linux folks are a hell
of a lot more responsive than Redmond.  8^)

We also have a tendancy of being able to satisfy everyone.  Like
gnome-mdi... it's switchable so you can have MDI the way you like it
(so I don't have to live with it, because I don't like it).  It's
great that the user can decide for themselves.

Alan Shutko <> - By consent of the corrupted
You don't have to know how the computer works, just how to work the computer.

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