Re: Slightly Off Topic: GPL'ed Encyclopedia ?

Yes - I think that the framework is the key: (i) a software framework for
categorising and presenting information, and (ii) an intellectual framework
for editing and peer reviewing submissions.  No one should seriously be
considering writing it themselves!

That said, I could argue that the discussed encyclopedia already exists -
it's called the World Wide Web.  I think we need to think carefully about
how any new encyclopedia project would be different from and more valuable
than the WWW.


-----Original Message-----
>Also, there is another part of such a project that is well within the scope
>this mailing list, and that is the creation of a free reference material
>framework. I'm sure quite a bit of that task would overlap with GNOME help
>viewer efforts, and an encyclopedia project should probably use some sort
>SGML or XML format for the data.
>   Joakim Ziegler - styx art director -

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