Re: Comments from new GNOME user

On 12 Nov, SEGV scribbled:
->  Hi. I just compiled and installed GTK+ 1.1.2 and GNOME 0.3. Previously, I've
->  only installed/used GTK+ 1.0.x.
->  First off, it looks nice, comparable to KDE (which I installed this summer for
->  Solaris while I was still a UNIX developer at work) and Windows (I'm an NT
->  developer at work now).
->  The only obvious UI gaffes are that my fonts are weird (gtop looks horrible) and
->  some apps have right-aligned help menus, some don't.
->  I can't wait to start integrating my GTK+ app into GNOME, although I haven't
->  found much documentation yet. Particularly I am interested in the canvas widget
->  and imlib drawing facilities (my app will be doing a lot of drawing). I suppose
->  I can look at the game sources.

imlib has comprehensive docs:

->  What is the CORBA under the hood: ORBit or MICO? Are there C++ bindings? If not,
->  I'll have to use MICO for my app, as I go C++ all the way (OO and STL etc.).
->  Anyways, very cool. Keep cobbling.

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Carsten Haitzler           | _ //__\\ __||_ __\\ ___|| _ /  Red Hat Advanced
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