a new user finds some success with gnome from cvs

[I don't think this went through the first time ... a race with my list

Hello, I gave up on making my old installation do gnome from cvs.
Yesterday I bought a new hard disk to play gnome with.  I installed
RedHat 5.0, and then added just what I needed to get going.  The
tutorial by Soren Harward at


was a great help.  I kept my source in /opt/cvs and my target as
/opt/gnome.  It worked best for me to add this to my environment

    export ACLOCAL_FLAGS='-I /usr/local/share/aclocal -I

to clean up alocal problems.  The only thing I did which was a little
wierd was to #ifdef out some prototypes in
libgtop/support/gnomesupport.h (trimmed for brevity):

#if 0
int vsnprintf (char */*str*/, size_t /*maxlen*/,char */*fmt*/, va_list
int snprintf (char */*str*/, size_t /*maxlen*/,char */*fmt*/, ...);
char *realpath (char */*path*/, char /*resolved_path*/[]);

On my system those functions had conflicting types with my stdlib.h.  I
don't know if this is a good fix or not.

Anyway, much is up and running.  A number of things are half-running,
but I suppose such is to be expected with a random CVS snapshot.  (The
Gnome Help Browser doesn't draw completely and then locks up.)

All and all I'm happy to be here ... and now to try to figure out the

John (jjens@home.com)

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