Re: gnome developer docs - not sgml writes:

> what about a official test program, id est at least once a week,
> someone with some alternate OS (i volunteer for solaris) makes a CVS
> checkout, and builds everything anew. and then sends comment and
> other stuff to the list (a specific list would be nice for that like
> requested already some time ago)

Sebastian Wilhelmi, on 9 October, said he did this:

I regulary (every night) build gnome on my sparc-sun-solaris2.5.

I've installed the following software. It is in the path before the

gawk-3.0.3 unzip-5.32 zip-2.2 db-2.4.14 zlib-1.1.2 xpm-3.4k
libpng-1.0.1 tiff-v3.4 libungif-3.0 jpeg-6b NewXLibs
egcs-1.1b binutils-2.9 autoconf automake-1.3 libtool-1.2
make flex guile-1.2 gmp-2.0.2 cvs-1.9.22 stow texinfo-3.12
gettext-0.10.32 indent-1.9.1

it might not be necessary to install all, but if you do, you have a better
system anyway ;-). Then I just compile and install the following
CVS-modules in the given order:

glib gtk+ imlib ORBit gnome-libs mozilla libgtop gtop
gnome-http gnome-core gnome-objc gnome-games gnome-utils mc
gnome-admin ee gnome-media gnome-network gnome-xml gnumeric

and most of the time it works pretty well. yup, I know glibtop (and thus
gtop) is not very sensible on sparc as for now, but i just want to make
sure it compiles anyway.

Hope that helps.
| Sebastian Wilhelmi, Institute for Computer Design and Fault Tolerance, |
| University of Karlsruhe;  Building 20.20, Room 263,  D-76128 Karlsruhe |
| mail:;  fax: +49 721 370455;  fon: +49 721 6084353 |
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