Re: [OFFTOPIC] Mailthreader, anyone? was: Re: Uniformity?

On Fri, 30 Oct 1998, Nils Philippsen wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, John R Sheets wrote:
> > If you need a little help deciphering some of the ideas that passed through there,
> > or finding a good place to start, let me know.
> Well, I just got the archive of the gnome-gui-list and again a loath pine for
> not being able to thread discussions (despite the rest of pine's features,
> which I really do like). Has anyone a pointer to something with which I can
> read the whole stuff threaded, it's a mess to read threads when you have to
> select the messages 'by hand' because youe mailer doesn't do it for you. A
> mail to news converter would also do the job, I would use tin then.

Um, every version of Pine I have used supports threading just fine.  In
the "Index" view (the one with the list of mail messages in the folder),
you hit "$" for sort, followed by "O" for Ordered Subject.  I know it
works in version 3.96 and 4.04, since that's what I'm using.

Best of Luck,

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