Re: GNOME GTK-- Projects

On Thu, 28 May 1998, John R Sheets wrote:

> Does anyone have a good list of GTK-- projects out there?  
> In general, it would be nice (maybe on the software web page?) to
> have some sort of indication of what languages each project is
> being written in, without having to download it and examine the
> source.  Does such a master list already exist?
> John

I am using Gtk-- for Gnomehack (nethack for Gnome).  See :
for details.  It is still fairly alpha (i.e. you can't play it yet with 
the Gtk-- port) because I recently have been mucking about with autoconf
and such recently (as well as recovering from surgery and finishing my
basement and working full time and babysitting my daughter, and ...)

BTW, I noticed that GTK-- doesn't provide any autoconf support yet (i.e.
no gtkmm.m4 script, and no built-in versioning mechanism yet.  I will
be submitting patches to the author this weekend to provide this.  I 
have already done most of the work, I just need to test it.  Sometime
when I have some time, I would like to write up a gtk-- tutorial (basically
I would rip-off the GTK+ tutorial, and then convert it).  Still havn't
found time yet.  

And of course, Gtk-- _still_ has the stupid menufactory
bug which means you cant hook anything up to the menus you create other
then argumentless callbacks (which still give a warning)...  And there is no
exception handling in gtk--.  So for instance if you do something like:

	char* szMsg[]="Some Text";
	Gtk_Text myTextObject;
	// Should call realize first to avoid error, since you can't
	// put text into an un-realized text widget.
	// Don't do it here which will cause an error
	// myTextObject.realize();
	myTextObject.insert(NULL, NULL, NULL, szMsg, sizeof(szMsg) );

the underlying Gtk+ function will complain to stderr using g_warning,
but there is absolutly no way for your application program to know
that something bad happened and do something intelligent.  It would
be nice to wrap stuff like this with:

try {
catch (GTTKMM_Exception error) {
	// Handle things

but there doesn't seem to be any way to implement this, since Gtk+ doesn't
seem to report errors anywhere except to stderr (i.e. no customizable error 
handler function) to do this...  Really unfortunate...  All in all I really 
like Gtk-- (I'm using it and contributing, arn't I?), but it still needs 
volunteer work and it is limited by the underlying Gtk+ library.  The author 
has always been courteous and helpful and very receptive to contributions, 
so folks, please contribute!

p.s. I would be very happy to be proved wrong about GTK+ error handling...

Erik B. Andersen   Web: 
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