Re: Debian installation of gnome?

I am still working on some Debian packages.  Unfortunately, I've
gotten bogged down in the last three weeks with other stuff.  I plan
to get going on them again later this week.

I'm working on packaging both the officially released 1.3 stuff (which
is pretty old - perhaps I will try to use a snap coinciding with the
Gnome stuff in RH 5.1 instead) + daily/weekly snapshot packages.  I
have to do a mico package as well.  It's a huge job.

I'd say I'm appoximately 75% done.  I've been trying to figure out a
good way to do mico with eg++ (I was having some problems).  I'm
putting in another disk drive too, as I was continually running out of
disk space on my build machine.

I am also going to put in a bug system on - that's
gotten bogged down too.  Don't worry though - I'll get there
eventually as I slog through everything.


 - Jim

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