Re: cvs down?

On Mon, 25 May 1998, Kevin Birch wrote:
> I'm having the same problem.  Both and return 
> the error.  The anonymous cvs access page at specifies to 
> access the cvs tree exactly the way that Nathan described.  What's the 
> deal?

works from here. both anoymous and normal. But it'is slooooow. Maybee too
much development going on, for that poor server :-)

Just be patient ... I did an update -d now, and there was a 2 minute
break, which no network trnsfr at all. It seems fast once the connection
is actually up, tough.

Is there some other faq on cvs on the gnome site, apart from the
anonymous access? 
I just did a 'cvs add' for 2 files, and foolishly thought that 'cvs
commit' commits only those 2 files ... bingo, all files i changed in that
dir where commited. 
Nothing really bad happen'd, but i got the same text for my changes on all
files. hmm, i better be more carefull in the future :I

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