Re: Bugs in gnome

On Wed, 20 May 1998, Marco Pozzato wrote:
> How can I generate a stack trace?

Excerpt from mc/FAQ:
  9.3 How can I report a bug/request for a feature?
   You might first want to get the newest development version to see if
   the bug is fixed or the feature is added already.
   Give as much details as possible. A too long message is a lot better
   than a too short message.
   For segmentation faults a stack backtrace is appreciated. You can
   produce stack backtrace as follows:
     * If segmentation fault produced a core file:
         1. Load the core file by typing "gdb mc core" or "dbx mc core".
         2. Type "where".
         3. Cut and paste the results to your message.
     * If segmentation fault didn't produce a core file:
         1. Load mc by typing "gdb mc" or "dbx mc".
         2. Start mc by typing "run".
         3. Try to reproduce the segmentation fault by doing whatever you
            did last time when the segmentation fault occurred.
         4. Type "where".
         5. Cut and paste the results to your message.
         6. For the future you might want to check out what is the
            command in your shell to allow producing of the core files.
            Usually it is "limit coredumpsize unlimited" or "ulimit
            coredumpsize" or "ulimit -c unlimited".

If the error is a X error it is better you run the program 
to debug with the --sync option (when you run the program 
und gdb control enter at the gdb prompt prior to "run" the
command "set args --sync" or run the programm with "run --sync").

Some useful gdb commands (unique abbreviations allowed):
`help ITEM'       print help for ITEM
`print EXP'       print value of expression EXP (e.g. variables)
`break function'  Set breakpoint at specified line or function
`continue'        Continue program being debugged, after signal or
`kill'            Kill program being debugged (after an segfault 
                  you can use this command to avoid an possibly
                  huge coredump)
`quit'            Quit gdb


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