Re: Error compiling gnome-libs

On Tue, 19 May 1998, Stephanos Piperoglou wrote:

>On 19 May 1998, Michael Harnois wrote:
>> > *sigh* I'm wondering when I'll ever get GNOME to compile in my system. I've
>> > been trying for weeks. Here's the latest, from gnome-libs:
>> I had been wondering the same thing for *ages*. Tonight, for the very
>> first time, everything seems to work (knock on wood.) Keep on trying,
>> and update your CVS sources every 15 minutes, and you may get lucky
>> like me!
>That's my problem! I get up to module C, which has a runtime or compile
>error, which is fixed by the new version of module A. I compile A, but now B
>is linked against the old A, so I need B, and C works, but D needs a new
>B, which breaks my C... and so on..

try this:

	$ cd /directory/with/gnome/stuff/in/it
	$ for i in ./*; do
	> cd $i
	> cvs -z9 update -d
	> cd ..
	> done

[ go get a cup of coffee or something at this point, it'll take a few

where /directory/with/gnome/stuff/in/it is some directory that looks more
or less like this:

	$ ls -F
	gnome-admin/	gnome-guile/	gnome-objc/	mc/
	gnome-core/	gnome-libs/	gnome-utils/	mico/
	gnome-games/ 	gnome-media/ 	gtk+/
	gnome-graphics/	gnome-network/ 	imlib/

Then, for each module (directory), do the following after you've cd'd into

$ nice make distclean ; nice ./ --prefix=/usr/local && nice make
&& nice make install

Do this for the different modules in the following order: mico, imlib,
gtk+, gnome-libs, gnome-core, and then the rest of them at your leisure. 
If you want them installed somewhere other than /usr/local give
--prefix=/that/other/place instead of --prefix=/usr/local and be
consistent.  Make sure you compile gnome-objc before you compile
gnome-games (I think?).  Also when you compile mico, instead of "nice
./ --prefix=/usr/local" in the above string of commands, type
"nice ./ --prefix=/usr/local --with-gtk", for mc replace "nice
make"  with "nice make LIBS=-lintl", and for gnome-guile, I don't know
what to tell you cause I've never been able to get it to compile, but it
doesn't seem to affect anything (yet).

These are the commands I use to compile gnome.  The reason I do everything
'nice' is because it takes about a day to go through all of them on my
machine and I can't just give up my box to gcc for a day (having a mere
16MB of memory will do that).  You may or may not feel that that's
necessary.  I don't compile mico any more than I have to, either, since
that alone takes a few hours (memory hogging cc1plus processes).  I
recompile mico every week or two, everything else every two or three days. 
After you've done all that fire up X, run gnome-session from an xterm, and
see what happens.  This works for me... your milage may vary.

My own questions follow...

Thus far I've run make distclean each time just for good housekeeping, but
is it really necessary?  I tried it once and it seemed to clear up a
couple of problems, so I've just gone ahead and done it ever since.  The
problem is, that's a lot of stuff to recompile.  I do it every few days

I haven't been able to compile gnome-guile and make quits with "guile: 
unbound variable (identity)" when it get to the target "gtk-types.c"  (the
first one, I think)... I don't know scheme, so I am pretty much up a creek
on this problem.  Can someone show the way?  I've installed guile-1.2 and
umb-scheme-3.2 according to the directions packaged with them... am I
missing anything?

Best of luck,

>BTW, I'm not complaining to anyone here. I know gnome is in development..
>This is just venting some of my frustration.
>-- Stephanos Piperoglou -- -------------------
>All tribal myths are true, for a given value of `true'.
>                         - Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent
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