Re: Opendoc (was Re: spell checking)

On 13-May-98 Miroslav Silovic wrote:
> Martijn van Beers <> writes:
>> I think it would be a good thing (tm) if Linux got something like
>> OLE (i.e. Opendoc), no matter how opposed most of you are to the
>> 'bloat' of CORBA, office suites and the like. If GNOME wants to be
>> the user-friendly desktop system I hope it is going to be, we need
>> to look at the users wishes, not just our own. And most users are
>> used to, expect and demand a good office suite.
> Actually there are at least 3 possibilities (probably more):
>       1) OpenDoc
> The problem is that OpenDoc might not be as free as we'd like. It's a
> good idea to check with Apple first. Its one drawback is that it
> requires SOM beside CORBA. Don't ask me what SOM is, I only know it's
> 'System Object Model'. Another problem with OpenDoc is that it's big,
> and dictates much about the application architecture.

        SOM is like COM only made by IBM !

        Mario Filipe

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